MAMS Counseling

The Middletown Area Middle School Counseling Team is dedicated to assisting our students to have a positive and fulfilling Middle School experience. Our team provides students with help in career exploration and planning, knowledge about self and others, and educational and vocational development. To ensure we meet our students needs, our Counselors routinely meet with students both as groups and individually to ensure each student is on track to graduate. We encourage parents to take an active role in their student's Middle School career by working with their student to ensure they are scheduled for courses and programs that best fit their current and future needs. Students and parents are invited to discuss course selections or other concerns at any time during the school year with their designated counselor.

Parent Resources

The Caring Place
Universal Screeners
T. W. Ponessa

MAMS Counseling


Lynette GoodMrs. Lynette Good
School Counselor
Last Names A-K
717-930-0739, ext. 5310
[email protected]

Mrs. Lynette Good and her husband have five boys, ranging from ages 17-27, and a beloved black lab named Oakley. The Goods love to golf, play pickleball, ski, walk and work-out. Mrs. Good is just getting back into running after taking a few years off. The Good family is fortunate to travel a lot since 3 of their 5 boys are out of state in Boston, South Korea and Wyoming, and they love to go to islands for vacation. Mrs. Good and her husband are HUGE Penn State fans and they also love the Steelers and the Phillies. Mrs. Good loves country music, and a little-known fact about her is that she studied in Australia for 7 months during her undergraduate work. Mrs. Good loves working as a school counselor connecting with students, working with faculty and being creative with helping students find their success.

Kiersten RobinsonMs. Kiersten Robinson
School Counselor
Last Names L-Z

717-930-0739, ext. 5004
[email protected]

Ms. Kiersten Robinson loves being active, going line dancing, drinking coffee, and spending time with her family and friends. She loves to travel and has recently taken up cruising. Ms. Robinson loves all kinds of music and is a fan of Philly sports teams. Ms. Robinson is looking forward to empowering students to achieve their potential and celebrating their progress.

Mrs. Keim Cowan
Guidance & Attendance Secretary
717-930-0739, ext. 5006
[email protected]

Ms. Amy McPhilemy
MAMS Social Worker
717-930-0739, ext. 5005
[email protected]

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