Future Ready PA Index

The Future Ready PA Index is a comprehensive progress report that provides parents and community members with easy-to-understand information about Pennsylvania schools and student success. The Future Ready PA Index is a collection of school progress measures related to school and student success. The Index includes a range of assessment, on-track, and readiness indicators, to report student learning, growth, and success more accurately in the classroom and beyond.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) reports additional state, local education agency (LEA), school, and student group-level data via the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Report Card. The ESSA State Report Card is accessible via the Future Ready PA Index.

PDE's ESSA Report Card is designed to provide education leaders and all stakeholders with additional data on student outcomes and equity considerations. ESSA requires that each state track data and hold schools and LEAs accountable for the performance of the following student groups: economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English Learners, and students from major racial and ethnic groups (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Multi-Racial, NA or AK Native, Native HI or Other Pacific Islander, and White).

The following is the Action Plan that the Administrative team developed over the summer to address areas of concern as well as to continue to support and maintain the areas of strengths.

The MASD Comprehensive Plan and building level plans are built around data trends in the District and have been carefully designed to address the following over the next three years:

  • Achievement and growth targets in mathematics K-12 with a focus of the “English Learner” subgroup at the Middletown Area Middle School 
  • Achievement targets for ELA/Literature K-12 with a focus on the “students with disabilities” subgroup
  • Four-year graduation rate at Middletown Area High School

Goals and action steps have been created in each of these areas, and progress toward these goals is measured on a quarterly basis.  Action steps in the Comprehensive Plan include:

  • Implementation of an evidence-based literacy series for grades K-5
  • Implementation of evidence-based instructional strategies
  • Development and implementation of a standards-based curriculum
  • Development and implementation of common assessments to measure student growth and achievement
  • Implementation of a data management system to continually monitor student achievement and growth as well as attendance and behavior
  • Development and implementation of appropriate interventions for students who are not meeting academic standards
  • Creation and implementation of a comprehensive graduation framework
  • Redesign of special education programming K-12 

The Future Ready PA Index for each MASD school:

Fink Elementary School
Kunkel Elementary School
Reid Elementary School
Middletown Area Middle School
Middletown Area High School
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